Facial Rejuvenation
Kuflik Dermatology uses the safe and effective rejuvenation technology of eLOS PLUS. This gentle yet innovative IPL technology is able to help you to achieve a more youthful appearance and smoother skin by utilizing radiofrequency energy. This technology is FDA approved, requires minimal downtime, causes little pain, is clinically proven to be safe and effective and is an affordable treatment for most patients. Let us help you put your best face forward today. Call us today for your free cosmetic consultation. IPL therapy is considered non-ablative, meaning that the top layer of the skin remains intact, thus the treatment is performed without the need for downtime or “social downtime” at best.
Call us today for your free cosmetic consultation for a fresh youthful rejuvenated face. (732) 341-0515 x150
eLOS skin rejuvenation treatments help to improve the appearance of uneven skin tones caused by both brown and red spots. This gentle yet effective technology is used to treat the following skin conditions:
- Wrinkles
- Redness
- Sunspots
- Sun Damage
- Broken Capillaries
- Rosacea
Another IPL treatment available is eLOS Sublative RF. Sublative RF treatments help you to achieve a more youthful appearance and smoother skin by treating mild to moderate wrinkles like crow’s feet and even acne scarring. Sublative RF works from within using gentle energy currents (radiofrequency similar to that of an ultrasound) to deeply penetrate the skin and stimulate collagen production. Gentle heat is also delivered at the underlying connective tissue where the skin joins the muscle. While it is not used for skin tightening, as the connective tissue is heated it causes it to contract and eventually lift. As a result a subtle tightened look may be observed of any loose skin; Results can be seen after your first treatment and skin will continue to improve!
Permanent Hair Reduction
elōs IPL Effective, Gentle & Safe Permanent Hair Reduction
If you’re not happy with shaving, tweezing, or waxing to remove unwanted hair, permanent hair reduction may be an option worth considering. Hair removal is one of the most commonly done cosmetic procedures in the U.S. IPL beams highly concentrated light into hair follicles. Pigment in the follicles absorbs the light. That destroys the hair.
Intense Pulse Light selectively targets dark, coarse hairs while leaving the surrounding skin undamaged.
elōs is the first and only technology that uses combined energies to effectively and gently remove hair of many colors and types from all skin tones. elōs is truly the next generation of safe and effective hair removal technology. Achieving beautiful, silky smooth skin is now easier than ever.
If you have any questions about our services, please contact us today.